Nation's Call

What is the nation’s call?
What does it want from all?
Something once Gandhi dreamed of, sanity.

Sanity is the nation’s call,
Something not very expensive for all

Poor nation is crying today, 
Screaming for help in any form,
Have we become so deaf in the fight of reaching heights
 That we have forgotten where we stood up from?

Mother India; the guardian of all,
 Don’t worry we won’t let your pride fall.

People may forget to take care of you,
 But don’t worry your saviors are here right beside you. 

Yes, we the youth will become the nation’s guide.
Swachh Bharat Abhiyan is our goal, 
And we shall fulfill it,
The entire nation allied,

I am sure these rays of hope won’t fade,
All problems of hygiene and sanitation will soon abate,

And we all together will fight for hygiene and sanitary rights.
We shall be the change we want to see, a clean and green India; 
Reaching the zenith of successful heights.


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