
Showing posts from March, 2017

My choice

It's my choice, who I want to be. It is me who knows what it's reflection likes. The mind in my body is aware of what the soul craves for. It is for me to decide who I am, not you or anyone. Just like the caterpillar fought the killing walls and turned into something magnificiant, it's within me; the power to decide my destiny. And no one shall take it away from me.


Boundaries; the limits that you are bound to, Some have been set for you,  Others are the ones you set for yourself. They are the borders that stop two nations for celebrating brotherhood, The fence that separates two lovers on the other side of the midnight, The limit that checks the creativity of a participant, There are flames of ego that bind you from admitting your mistake, The ones in the school that keep you from running wild, There are so many boundaries, positive and negative ones, but a determined mind knows none.      

Colours that will fade

The journey of life is only interesting when there are colours to fill and colours to enjoy. Some colours are temporary and some are permanent, but you can never enjoy them forever. For even the permanent ones fade. These colours are the little things that bring joy in your life, enjoy them. Don't worry about the future, it isn't now. Stop over thinking about yesterday, it's already in the history. 'Now' is the upcoming mystery, burst the mysterious, colourful bubbles that are eager to create a rainbow in your sky.


Life has a surprise for everyone, sometimes it might be sad, happy, crazy and mad even. The sad surprises do not mean that life is playing badly with you. It is the indication that happiness somewhere around the corner. If sadness did not exist, how would have you discovered happiness? Just don't give up easily, sadness is just a phase of life, it will pass. Stay strong and do your best.