Some friendships need no words to define them, No certificate to certify them, Ours is one of those, That created a bond so close, you're the best person to laugh with and laugh on, The best shoulder to cry on, While talking and singing junk, We made better songs than uptown funk, Whenever I have some issues, You're everready with a box of tissues, Sneaking coffee sips, You've given me one of the best tips, The moment I see you frown, My smile too, comes crumbling down, You've made me a better myself, Something I wouldn't have been able to achieve myself, I'll remember forever the funny nicknames, and those silly little games, Even if our paths drift apart, We'll be always together at heart, You will always be my best friend, I'll always love you to no end. This poem is for my bestfriend Jay Jay, who has always been there with me through thick and thin; happiness and pain I love you! Happy reading!