The book fete

Hustling and fighting through the crowd, to get the desired one. "Where is it"? Are the words that escape from your lips. A frown settles on your face, going insane finding that one you need. Shuffling through each row, each section of the store, Thud! One of them fell on the floor, Giving everyone an apologetic smile, you pick it up and put it back on the pile. "Giving one last try wouldn't do any harm" you talk to yourself; making the lady next to you chuckle. After searching so much you give up, disappointed as you make way to the exit you see a shiny cover, with colorful eye-catching flowers,"yes" you shriek! You found the one you need, happily as you make your way to checkout, thinking about your mood few moments ago, and lo! Life is definitely an irony. You push away your thoughts and move due to the anger of the old grumpy man standing out, after all everyone wants to enjoy the book fete rather than just a random mall.